Compiling WSPR-X

Following on from my Compiling WSPR page, here is how to compile WSPR-X on Ubuntu (Debian and Mint also tested).

Get the required packages

The following packages are needed to ensure the correct building of WSPR-X. Not all of them are used, but as I don’t have time to sift through them all at present, just install them all…

sudo apt-get install subversion python2.7-dev python-numpy python-imaging-tk python-pmw \
libportaudio2 portaudio19-dev libsamplerate0-dev gfortran cl-fftw3 python-dev qt4-qmake \
libqt4-dev-bin libqt4-dev libqwt-dev libhamlib-utils

Download the Source

Now to download the WSPR-X source code. This is done by selecting the wsprx branch of the SVN tree.

svn co

The version I checked out was 3205.

Compile the Program

The compile process is a little messy here. Several steps have to be repeated a few times. Special thanks to Aaron Brown for helping with this!

Change into the newly created wsprx directory

cd wsprx/

The first thing to do is to build the libraries.

cd lib/
make -f Makefile.linux

This should create a folder in your home directory called wsprx_install. Good stuff. Return back from the library folder to the wsprx folder

cd ..

Now, using an editor of your choice, you need to edit the Qt project file, Here, I use nano. To find a specific line in nano, use the combination Control+W (find) then Control+T (line).


Edit the following two lines, removing the “-qt4” part.

  • line 59: ->
  • line 57: qwt-qt4 -> qwt

Then we process the Qt project file with


and then begin the build process with


If it complains about the folder wsprx_install existing, something like the following:

mkdir: cannot create directory `../wsprx_install/’: File exists
make: *** [../wsprx_install/wsprx] Error 1

then just remove the wsprx_install directory with the following command (we will remake it again shortly)

rm -R ../wsprx_install

Finish the compilation to finalise everything with


This time the compilation should finish correctly, without error. If so, check that you now have the wsprx binary inside the wsprx_install folder, by running

ls ../wsprx_install

You should see the wsprx binary. Finally, so back into the lib folder and remake the libraries we had to delete above…

cd lib/
make clean
make -f Makefile.linux
cd ..

You should now see some other binaries, WSPRcode and wsprd inside the wsprx_install directory.

ls ../wsprx_install/
WSPRcode wsprd wsprx

Running WSPR-X

Change into the wsprx_install directory and run wsprx and you’re away!

cd ../wsprx_install

And you should see it start!

WSPR-X Linux

WSPR-X Linux

All that’s left is to put some signals into it, and see how we get on!

An online scrapbook full of half-baked projects and silly ideas.